The birthday presents that I get from my hometown babes. Thx lots!
ILY guys. =)

And this is the 4th Shu Uemura eye shadow I have. Cashlyn honey gave it to me... as my birthday present. I heart this eye shadow for few months and it was always out of stock!!
ILY honey! <3 span="">3>

Yeah. Call me crazy. I never use this and I just wanna try on it.
Why I bought so many? Because they are so
CHEAP!! =.="I really beh tahan when there's SALES!

My sis present me this.
This is a
Best-Buy package! Just like...
Let me show you what's inside.

A sunblock come with cleanser, toner and essence! And it just costs
RM179. Super duper worthy, right? xD
Hehe. The thing is... I haven't start to use and already put them aside. =X

Kao Essential Intensive Hair Masks!! The hair masks that I craving for right now!
Syaotung is going Singapore next week and she promised will get them for me.
Can't wait!! XD