Time flies. Can't believe that I work in Samsung for almost 2 months. -.-Wtf super fast ! Well, working life is routine. Weekdays work weekend stick with the boyfie. Weekend is the thing I most looking forward now. Not because can stay up late and wake up late.. just because can see him hug him kiss him ! *blush*

We just passed our 5th monthsary. That day I was quite sensitive and keep bosong this bosong that. Aiksss... pity him had to keep tam tam tam me non-stop. :X But at the end we still able to cook for our dinner. Although for me the dinner was not very successful... but I know he loves it ! He keep saying the dishes not bad quite nice... LOL. Not nice for me lor. Darling you're just too kind! Hahaha

和你在一起真的很快乐很幸福 因为我知道你很努力的让我开心快乐 不管什么事情都把我摆在第一位
你说 很多第一次都献给我了 哈哈
例如 我是你第一个面对面表白 主动去追求的女生 第一次亲手织东西当礼物 第一次亲自下厨 第一次陪女友去唱K 
短短五个月里 我们就拥有了很多美好难以忘记的回忆 :D

有时候我也觉得自己蛮霸道的 可是你都很迁就我 就像我一句不爽 你就毫不犹豫把所有电脑里的旧相簿删个清光 真的很在乎我的感受
你也很坦诚 什么都不隐瞒的 我知道有些时候不干你的事 是别人的事 可是我还是难免会不爽啊
你的过去我管不着 可是现在你归我管 一直到老 :))